To Slash or To Shoot? #SwordsVsGuns #Ipreferswords

Hello everyone. Today, I want to talk about swords and guns. Don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging violence here. I just want to talk about these two opposing types of weaponry.

So, which one do you prefer? Personally, I'm more of a sword guy, specifically Nodachis, Katanas, Broadswords and Longswords. I've always found them pretty cool. Guns, on the other hand, not so much. I could never really understand why kids my age always preferred guns to swords.

*Initiate FlashBack noise*

I remember one time, about 8 years ago, I was at my dad's office (It was a Bring Your Kids to Work day). I picked up a marker, and began drawing a sword on the whiteboard in the room that all of us kids were stuck in. A random boy came up to me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was drawing a sword. He just took the duster and wiped it away, telling me that swords were obsolete and took another marker to draw a gun, appalling me. I was left dumbstruck. I mean, he was barely two years older to me and he was moving and talking like he owned the place. Spoilt brat.

*End flashback noise*

Anyway, what I wanted to point out from this brief memory was that I never really understood why kids liked guns. I guess it has to do with all the media we're being fed these days, with video games mostly being FPSs (First-Person Shooters) and real-life warfare being based on guns and other long-range weaponry like RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades), missiles, nuclear warheads, etc. I mean, popular games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, CounterStrike, Halo are all FPSs, to name a few.

In all honesty, I hate guns. Why, you ask. Quite simply, I feel that they're just weapons of mass murder. I understand that there are conflicts between nations, and in an all-out war you need every advantage you can get to win, but these bullet firing machines are too much for me. They destroy any piece of humanity left in a person. When you fire a gun, that small action of pulling the trigger can end someone's life. Let that sink in for a moment. You just ended the life of another human being, someone who had family, friends, colleagues waiting for him to visit or see, but would continue waiting since he would never be able to see them again.

You've even heard of cases where the trigger was pulled accidentally, and someone ended up dying. With swords or other melee weapons, that's not the case. You can't "accidentally" kill someone. If you're pointing your sword at someone, they won't die unless you plunge it into them or lop off their head. 

Even while you're swinging it, you still have the chance to stop, or alter your swing so that you miss. You can't do that with a gun. By the time you move the barrel away, the bullet has already been fired. It's the end. With a gun, you've ended the lives of several people without even needing to come close to them. You just shoot them from away and, BAM, they die.

With a sword, you are forced to go close to a person to kill or maim them. You see the fear, despair and fright in their eyes, and they remind you of the gravity of what you are about to do. You have no other option but to look at them, and realise that this is another human being you are attacking, making you think a million times before doing it. If you do do it though, it changes you forever. Either you are wracked with guilt, or you become a cold-blooded murderer, usually the former.

I really liked the world when guns weren't a thing. Life was so much more peaceful and with lesser murderers.

Anyway, thanks for listening or rather, reading my rant on this. I just needed to get this off my chest and show everyone my point. I won't add memes today, since I want what I have written to fully sink into your minds so that you don't just cast it aside. On this serious note, I bid you all adieu.


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