Resurgence #Covidisback #Neverreallyleft

Bonjour, my lovely readers. I'm starting a new trend on my blog, by saying "Hello" and "Goodbye" in various languages so that you and I can both improve our knowledge. 

Apart from that, how's life? Well, for me, I am finding it to be very annoying. For starters, everyone is going on and on about how COVID-19 is back, with the second wave, yada yada yada. Now, you might be thinking, "Enigma! How can you find this annoying? It's a serious health concern!"

Let me tell you why. Firstly, everyone whom I see out on the streets never wear masks, don't sanitise, and go out frolicking and meeting with every Tom, Dick and Harry as if this pandemic never existed. I mean, come on! For crying out loud, COVID-19 is not over! This type of viral disease lasts at least 2 years, given our prior history with SARS and MERS. Yeah, they were coronaviruses too you know.

Next, every time I go online to any social media website or chat group, people are constantly talking about where they went, or what they did, and are yapping about how tired they are of COVID and how they wish it would just be over already. Sorry to burst your bubble, but COVID-19 isn't going away anytime soon. I can however, empathise with the people who are bothered by this quarantine and lockdown since I too am a victim of it. 

I may be an introvert, but this still bites. Besides, I've written an entire research paper on this issue and know what all of you are going through. Trust me, the best thing you can do to keep you and your family safe is to follow all of the health precautions issued by your government, and try to follow them as rigorously as you can.

Finally, the most annoying thing is that all of my friends online are now going on about how COVID is having it's 2nd wave, with several people infected, etc. This bugs me to no end. I have constantly been advising everyone I meet or talk to (online and offline) to follow health precautions, avoid going out unnecessarily, wash their hands, sanitise themselves etc. because I knew that this pandemic was not going away so soon. Now all of them are talking about all of the issues (as mentioned earlier) like they are the ones who have been trying to spread the word. I mean, come on guys, we all know you just don't want to go to school.

Anyway, apart from all the ranting, the most dangerous thing to do at this time is to pretend that this infection is over, and just ignore all health and safety guidelines. It won't work. You'll just be putting yourself and those close to you at a greater risk of being infected and dying from this disease.

Be responsible. Be safe and keep those around you safe. Help spread this message to as many people as you can so that they are all aware of the fact that COVID-19 has not left, and that we all must work together if we are to stop this infection. I know this sounds like a cat poster or commercial, but it's true.

That's all for today. Remember that these safety guidelines aren't just for me and you, but for everyone so that we can all keep ourselves protected.



  1. Good reflection of the social behaviour towards COVID19 these days. Though people are tired of COVID related restrictions and dangers, but indeed a good reminder to not be complacent and hold on tight for a little while longer till we are through with this pandemic.


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