Come get your just desserts! #TrumpgetsCovid #COVID-19 #Majorshock

Hello everyone! Welcome back to The Chronicles of the Dragon Element! Today, I wanna talk about a very interesting event that happened a few days ago. Be prepared, this is not a matter to be taken lightly. Ready? 

Trump caught COVID-19! Crazy, right? Well, he had to get infected sooner or later. I mean, this is the guy who has been downplaying the effects and all the deaths of this virus, with his own country suffering more than 208,000 deaths, last I checked. Well, he had to get his comeuppance sooner or later.

People have been dying, and all he's been saying is that America's a great country, and that they would all get through it together. Well, tough luck, considering that your own leader refuses to wear a mask in order to safeguard himself from the virus, EVEN THOUGH HE IS IN THE MOST AT-RISK RANGE! If the leader of a country behaves this way, how can he expect his subjects/citizens to do otherwise and take all the necessary precautions?! To me, he's only a step worse than our own PM, who at least wears a mask to remind all of his people to do the same.

So long America! You're just lucky the elections are coming up so you can have a change of leadership in case of something even worse than all the symptoms of the virus (you know, death). I would like to comment more, but I'm afraid of the CIA, FBI and USSS tracking me down and trying to silence me for my, shall we say, more realistic views. I mean, if there's anything worse than a politician, it's a politician who makes too many promises and can't keep them or honour any one of them.

Anyway, that's all for today. I'm thinking about writing on a more spicy and controversial subject next time, like maybe feminism. I think I've gotten the hang of writing on this blog now, so I feel like I'm ready to tackle subjects like these. Until next time, on The Chronicula Dracon-Elementum!

President Trump Tests Positive for Covid-19 Memes Part 2 - Comics And Memes

President Trump Tests Positive for Covid-19 Memes Part 3 - Comics And Memes

Sleeping Shaq Meme - ImgflipTrump Gets COVID-19—And Sets Twitter Ablaze wth Memes


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