Back to School Blues #sadlife #Idon'twannago

 Hey guys! Long time no see. Well, I have to apologise for that, since I'm the one writing all of these posts, so I hope you guys'll forgive my irregular posting. I'm in the middle of preparing for my October/November CAIEs, so between that and revising, I haven't got all that much time left to myself (and I really, really need my me time). I'm an introvert, so yeah, sue me (but don't actually sue me, because I do not want to go to court).

Anyway, here in Pakistan schools are finally reopening on the 15th. Sigh. I don't hate school, but personally I find online classes much more endearing. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to go to school from home. Of course, that's not what I mean, but there is an obvious difference between having to wake up at 6.45 AM to get dressed, shower and then travel to school as compared to waking up at 7.30 AM, showering and dressing, and then just going to your laptop, turning it on at precisely 8 AM so that classes can begin.

Some of my classmates may disagree with me here, and I don't blame them. After all, each of us have a different scenario at home, and different problems to deal with. This, however, is my own personal viewpoint. Another thing. Recent research has also proven that COVID-19 (the coronavirus) can live in children's noses for up to 3 weeks! Don't believe me? Well check out the link here to see the full article:

Personally, given this new research as well as previous experiences in reopening schools around the world (think of the U.S.A. where they got around 92,000 cases in a week after reopening schools), this reopening of physical schools should be delayed, at least a while longer. I mean, come on! The world has started going through the second wave of this virus, and our government wants to reopen schools, where children go, whom research has proven to be effective carriers and transmitters of this virus??!! Think of New Zealand, the country that successfully managed to eradicate the coronavirus through strict lockdowns and quarantines, only to have it re-emege now during the second wave. They're repeating the process again, the moment the first case was identified again. And now our government wants to do this.

Anyway, I'll stop ranting here otherwise I will go into a full-on political blowout, and those are some deadly waters to step foot into. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, (apologies if it's a bit short), and I'll see you soon.

Meanwhile, have some memes to entertain yourself! (and to compensate for the short post)



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