Nihari Foodgasm #Deliciousmeal #Blessed

 Hey guys! Today I want to tell you about something amazing that took place yesterday. It's just two words, but these two words will make anyone with an excellent palate (sense of taste) groan with jealousy: Nihari Party.

I went to my Granny's yesterday to enjoy her delicious nihari which she cooked by herself (Don't worry, I took the proper precautions I mentioned in my last post). Now, for those of you who don't know what nihari is, imagine the most delicious meal you've ever had, and now multiply it by 10. That's how delicious it is. (I am absolutely not joking here. At all.)

Nihari is basically a type of Pakistani curry that is slow cooked and typically contains beef or mutton, though chicken can also be used. I have absolutely no idea how to make it, and my culinary skills are a tad bit non-existent, so please have mercy and bear with me. Honestly, while writing this I am actually starving right now, so I really want to eat some nihari right now *sad EM noises*...

The beef was so soft and succulent, literally coming off as I broke it off with my naan, yet firm enough to maintain its shape as it entered my mouth. My tastebuds screamed with ecstasy as they tasted this divine wonder sent from the heavens above. The spice level was just right too, creating an explosion of flavours in my mouth, with the spice and meat complimenting each other perfectly, harmonising in perfect sync with each other. The white brain masala only added the perfect touch of softness, easy to chew and adding to the flavour. Neither the beef nor the spice overshadowed each other, which is a common mistake when making this dish (from what I know).

All of this came from just the first bite. I literally wanted to become a gastronomer at that moment (someone who chooses and/or cooks and eats good food according to google) if I could taste these levels of sumptuousness everyday. This is a dish you want to keep eating until you explode, both physically and with delight.

Even if it burns your tongue with spice, or you feel too full to continue, it will be next to impossible to put the spoon or naan down, even if it means getting a horrible stomach ache the next day (That happened to my younger brother). My writing here does not do it justice, for this is something that cannot be told, but only experienced.

Now that I've made you all green with envy and burning with jealousy, let me add fuel to your flames by attaching a picture of this delectable dish that only my Granny can create, making your mouth water at its appearance.

The brown parts are the delicious beef chunks (botis), whilst the white parts are the brain masala, all enclosed in a luscious red gravy/curry.

Well, I think I better end this post here before you all come after me with torches and pitchforks for making you envious and burning with a desire to eat this nihari which was present in my stomach yesterday. Bye! *Sprints away from the angry mob chasing after me*


  1. Yum! After reading this, I have a rumbly in my tumbly! 😋😋😋 Traditional Pakistani food is quite delectable.

  2. Yumm!! I really enjoyed checking out your blog, it made me hungry😋 , I particularly liked the photography aspect.Keep up the great work! 🙂🙂

  3. Indeed a very mesmerising write up that pictures the entire experience to any reader!! Mahdin, your prose was so well written that it seemed like romantic poetry whereby a food lover is appreciating his most loved food!! I could feel the taste of nihari in my mouth while reading it wanting to have it again........

  4. Narrated meticulously. Kudos!
    You certainly have a knack for jotting down your experiences into well written and engaging posts.

  5. Such a well written post! Mahdin, I am flattered by your praise for the Nihari I made and you are welcome to visit your Granny anytime you feel like. People who love to eat are always the best people and you are my favourite! The Nihari party will be repeated soon and you shall get a chance to satiate your food cravings.


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