
Hey guys, it's me! Today, I want to provide some info on the thing that has forced us into a global lockdown. I'll talk more about this in a future post, but for now I hope you guys'll forgive me, since this is a bit of a long read.

First off, I know that several people are concerned regarding this virus and what it can do. Never fear, for EM is here! This type of virus has appeared in the past, so its nothing new. A coronavirus is a type of infectious respiratory virus, like SARS and MERS in the past. The only difference to them is that this one is active on a global scale, affecting everyone in the world. Next, its name is an abbreviation for Corona Virus Disease 19, making COVID-19. It's original name was SARS-CoV 2 as it was very similar in comparison to SARS (because both are coronaviruses). 

However, even though it has a lower death rate than SARS or MERS, it has still killed more people because we're talking about a global scale here, not a regional one. I like to think of COVID-19 as the final boss, with SARS and MERS as tutorials (since they were smaller) to help reassure myself that this is nothing new, and that if we managed those two and several other epidemics, we'll get out of this alive albeit a bit scathed InshAllah.

With that slightly scary news, let's talk about some positive developments that have occurred recently.

Did you know that Russia has recently developed a vaccine for the virus? Yes, it's true! According to BBC, the Russian vaccine has reached the 3rd stage of testing, i.e. giving it to a large group that is constantly exposed to see if its effective. Russian President Putin announced that its completely safe and effective, having given it to one of his daughters as well. The Philippines have also agreed to test the vaccine, hoping for stronger relations and an immunity development against the virus.

Well Putin, I don't know what you're up to but let's hope that whatever you're conjuring out of that Russian lab of yours will prove to be beneficial to the world.  And that you won't try to make money off of it, since I find that to be a very despicable thing to do, profiting off of someone's vulnerabilities.

Apart from this, WHO has about 4 other vaccines in Stage Three of Testing, so that's some good news. Anyway, I think I've had enough of your time so I'll leave with 5 basic reminders (and some memes for laughter):

  1. Constantly wash your hands, especially when coming from outside.
  2. Sanitize objects that have been in common use or been exposed to the outside
  3. Don't be selfish, wear a mask and preferably gloves when going outside, and dispose the gloves when you return (to prevent the spread of the virus)
  4. Maintain physical distance outside, at least 6 feet of it, and if you can't manage that stay at least one arms' distance from each other
  5. Try to go outside only when necessary, like for groceries and if possible have them delivered. Try not to leave the house to minimise the chances of infection, and absolutely do not leave if you or someone in your house has the virus. Sorry extroverts 😢.


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